Gungahlin College Careers Website
Our Careers Website provides you with information about a range of pathways for ACT students, including apprenticeships and traineeships, CIT, University and job vacancies in the ACT. You will also find information about work experience, Australian School-based Apprenticeships (ASbAs) and much more.
Careers Staff
- Associate Principal: Kate Greeney
- Director: Lorelie Choy
- Career Advisors:
- Di Davidson (Monday-Tuesday)
- Sabina Imamovic (Friday)
- Transitions Contact Officer: Karen Duncan
- Corporate Support: Raed Elrahman
Our Careers Services Include
- Transitions: Working with local High Schools to ensure students make a smooth transition to College.
- Career Pathways Advice: Available to meet with both parents and students.
- Year 12 Certificate package checks: Advice and assistance on course of study to ensure students have appropriate subject choices.
- Vocational Opportunities: Australian School Based Apprenticeships (ASBAs) and Work Experience Placements organised. Short courses arranged in partnership with Gungahlin CIT at the end of each semester.
- Presentations: Students have the opportunity to hear from various Tertiary institutions and other organisations at Careers Focus Days and during blended learning times.
- Careers Market: Students visit the Careers market in August each year.
Australian School Based Apprenticeship (ASBA)
Australian Apprenticeships combine practical work with structured learning and lead to a nationally recognised qualification. They provide Australian Apprentices with the necessary job experience to get the career they want. Australian Apprenticeships are available in over 500 occupations in an increasing range of industries. Some Australian Apprenticeships can be started while still at school and form part of a student's Year 12 Certificate.
An Australian School-based Apprenticeship (ASBA) involves the employment of a young person who is undertaking a traineeship part-time while still attending school or college and enrolled in a program leading to a senior secondary certificate.
Work Experience (WEX)
Work Experience (WEX) is an integral part of offering students an opportunity to explore a wide range of employment opportunities and have a taste of different work environments before they leave College.
Students can participate, a number of times, in WEX during their 2 years of college. WEX allows students to experience workplace expectations and requirements and is used to help students partner with a suitable employer before they start an ASBA.
Partnerships with Other Registered Training Organisations (RTO)
Students also have the opportunity to participate in other courses in partnership with other RTO's. These courses enhance the students Year 12 certificate by offering extension units that may represent part of a nationally recognised qualification. These courses carry an external cost to the student. These courses include:
- CIT Bar and Restaurant Service
- CIT Computerised Reservation Systems
- AIE Certificate II in Screen (Basic 3D Animation)
- AIE Certificate II in IT (Basic Games Programming)
- CIT Certificate IV Business Units
- CIT Introduction to Community Services Work
- CIT Electrotechnology Basics
- CIT Portfolio Presentation
- CIT Fashion Illustration
- CIT Massage
- CIT Hair and Beauty
- Club Start
Beyond School Resources
The Department of Education and Training (DET) has produced a Beyond School Study Guide (pdf, 1mb). The Guide is a digital resource for Year 10–12 students providing information about Australian Government assistance so they are able to make informed choices about their future studies. Resources include:
- Three tertiary education explainer infographics
- Higher education or VET? – Provides information about each sector so that students can understand what type/level of qualification they may need to get to the career they want
- Pathways to university – Provides examples of ways that students can access higher education (e.g. bridging course; VET/sub-bachelor studies; ATAR; principal recommendation scheme) and points them to apply for uni via their relevant TAC
- Choose your own higher education adventure – a flow chart for higher education students to select options that apply to them and find which HELP loan is most suitable for their study choice
- One HELP loan comparison ‘cheat sheet’ – a table to compare each different loan and provide information about when a student might access each one
- Five fact sheets – one for each of the four HELP loan schemes (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HELP, SA-HELP) and one for the VET Student Loans program, that provide basic information about each